To Market We Go | Veni, Vidi, Vici


Good Ol' Julius Caesar

He came, he saw, he conquered. 

I'd love to challenge you with the content you are producing and see you conquer videos. Videos are what people are looking at now on social. Think about what you are drawn to as you scroll through your news feed. I know I prefer watching something as opposed to reading a long content piece or looking at a photo.

I'm Not Good On Video

I know firsthand that filming yourself and putting it out there is no easy task. I wrote about my experience of taking a video of myself on Snapchat here. Remember, it doesn't have to be perfect. You don't need a film crew, makeup and pristine lighting. You need your phone and a Julius Caesar attitude. And if you don't want to take my word for it, read this article by Gary Vaynerchuk.

Numbers Don't Lie

Yesterday, I posted this video of Erik to his social pages.  Now look at the image for this newsletter. Do you see how many people he reached on his Facebook page - 972 with 330 views!! Pretty damn good, for something that took him minutes to shoot on his iPhone in our backyard. 

Practice, Practice, Practice

It took a lot of practice for Erik to be comfortable in front of the camera. When he first started he stumbled on his words, had a shaky hand from holding the phone up for so long and was often frustrated. But after putting in the time, he can now shoot a short video in a matter of minutes.

Let's See You

I'm looking forward to seeing your video content on Instagram Stories, Snapchat or Facebook Live. I'm watching YOU!

Hit me up if you'd like to chat more about video 310.748.9128

Image Credit: Erik Taylor

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