To Market We Go | Dolla, Dolla Bills Y'all


Can You Spare A Dollar?

I'm continuing to talk about Facebook ads today because they are such a valuable tool for you to use with your business. Some ads can run for as little as a dollar a day {depending on your marketing objective}!

Case In Point

A close friend of mine has a Facebook business page for Music To Grieve To.  

He spent a dollar a day on an ad with the marketing objective being Engagement - getting more post engagements, Page likes, event responses or offer claims. His chosen objective was page likes. Guess what that dollar a day got him? 220 new Page likes in a week!!!! A percentage increase of 212.8%.

A mighty fine ROI if you ask me!

Side Note

If you are experiencing any sort of grief at the moment, check out his site here. There is scientific evidence that listening to sad music can help you heal. Now I know why Sarah McLachlan was my girl during an awful heartbreak :)

Let's chat if I can assist you with Facebook ads 310.748.9128

Image Credit: Music To Grieve To

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