To Market We Go | Wanna Bounce?

A kid flipping on a trampoline, farm in the background.

Bounce Rate

Do you know what your bounce rate is? If someone visits your site and then bounces, that means they leave without spending any time looking at additional pages on the website and interacting with them. They go to your homepage and then they bounce. This is the sole number on your Google Analytics that you don’t want to be high. The goal is to have people stick around and click on your other pages, checking out your content, product, shopping, etc.

Why It Matters To you

It is easy to dismiss your bounce rate. Why should you worry about this number when you have so many other things to worry about? Well, a high bounce rate is like a flashing, warning signal that says , “Hey, smarty, people aren’t finding value on your website!” This warning signal then sends a message to our good friend Google that your website shouldn’t rank as high as other websites in your same industry. Let that sink in a little…Granted there are many other factors that go into Google rankings, but your bounce rate warrants some attention and TLC.

Next Steps

Read this article by Neil Patel. Here he thoroughly explains everything you would possibly want to know about bounce rates and definitely some things you never thought you’d want to know. And when I say thoroughly, I mean loooooong. It is a very detailed article, but well worth your time. He uses lots of imagery and infographics that are quite helpful. As with all things, knowledge is power and I always aim to push you in furthering your education and awareness on important SEO topics.

Do This

Make sure your website is hooked up to Google Analytics and that you are using them for your monthly KPIs. Read my short blog about that here. Used together, these are powerful tools that give you massive amounts of data that can help you grow traffic to your website and ultimately grow your local business.

Get In Touch

We are just scratching the surface on bounce rates. If you want to chat, drop me an email here. Or if you’ve been able to lower your bounce rate, I’d love to hear how.

Photo by Charles Cheng on Unsplash