To Market We Go | It's A Marathon, Not A Sprint

A runner on the road, just the legs and feet pictured.

Have Low Expectations

If you are running some sort of digital ads, whether it be Facebook, Instagram or Google, keep your expectations in check. You must have the mindset that this is a marathon and not a sprint. Most likely you will not see immediate results, results will come as you invest your time in them. The ad creation is the “easy” part in all of this. You have your killer image, or a sub 60 second video, or a succinct text only ad. The marathon comes when you start planning out the execution of the ad and watch how your ad performs over a longer period of time. Do not have the expectation that your first ad out of the gate will have the result you are hoping for. They can take weeks and months to develop and you must schedule in time to evaluate what is sticking and what is not. Pivot, adjust, tweak, change, research explore.

Your Audience

It’s very important to have a clear idea of who the humans are that you want to target. And fine tuning these audiences is different depending on the platform you are using. Are you targeting specific zip codes, certain interests, particular levels of education, hobbies, interests, the list goes on and on. Once your ad is running for a set amount of time, do you have a plan in place to create a lookalike audience - that group of new eyeballs who are most likely to be interested in your business because they are very similar to your existing audience?

Keywords Are Key

Within the Google Ads platform, keywords are the driving force to reach your audience. This is where a lot of your time needs to be spent, because these are the search terms that potential customers are using on Google. Do you have a list of keywords? Do you have negative keywords? Long-tail keywords? Some keywords have high competition, so you don’t want to use those In your campaign, others have low to medium competition and may be a better choice for you. For a deeper dive into keywords, read this article from Adspresso.

Don’t Get Discouraged

I could write ten more newsletters about how to dial in your ad strategy, but I’m going to put a pin in it here. Digital ads can get frustrating and can get you down. You may feel like they aren’t giving you any ROI. But there is hope! If you have a plan in place and a marathon mindset, they can absolutely help your business. In fact, a client just last night texted me that someone signed up for her online training class because of the Google Ad campaign we are running!

I’m Here To Help

if this feels like an overwhelming job for you, get in touch below. I can help you.

Photo by sporlab on Unsplash